To make money with DailyMotion you have to create an account. Visit and click on Sign up button to create an account. Fill the information and after filling go to your email address and verify you account by clicking on the link that DailyMotion has sent you. Now you have become DailyMotion partner. There were two types of accounts in DailyMotion for sometime but now there is just one account and that is DailyMotion Partner account.
There are some ways that allow you to earn money from DailyMotion. You can earn money by sharing your videos in DailyMotion and when you get an ad impression you get paid. The other way is that you can show your videos on your own domain and DailyMotion will pay you for impressions. You have Verify your websites to earn revenue with DailyMotion.
You can see your earnings and many more when you login to your DailyMotion account. To see you payments records visit your DailyMotion account and see many more things. DailyMotion pays its users when their account reaches $100 or more per month. You can get your money out by PayPal or Payoneer. It is very easy to earn money with DailyMotion as there are many users who are making about $10 per day without doing too much of work.
Earn Money with DailyMotion from Home
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