There is a lot of discussion about how
to make fast money online, as every one wants to not just make money but
make money fast from internet. In this post I will discuss the exact
method to make fast money online with PaidVerts. This program (PaidVerts) was first launched in March 2014 by Jo Cook, a very hardworking entrepreneur and owner of MyTrafficValue, which is very popular crowdfunding platform working since 2010. PaidVerts is a Paid To Click and profit sharing program.
So, How To Make Money With PaidVerts
In PaidVerts you can make money by
growing your BAP (Bonus Ad Point), the higher is your BAP, the higher
value paid ads will be delivered to your account, which you can view by
going to your account>paid ads. 1 BAP will deliver a paid ad having a
value of $.0005. So, you need to grow your BAP to receive high value
paid ads to view and make more money. Remember you will have a minimum
of 1600 BAP to receive paid ads to click.
How to Grow Your BAP
There are two ways to grow your BAP, the
first one is to view the fixed 8 daily ads each giving you 25 BAP, so a
total of 200 BAP per day. By doing so, you will be earning $0.10 a day
(200 x $0.0005 = $0.10). This is actually very little amount to earn,
because we want to make money fast. Relax guy!!! There is another
amazing feature of PaidVerts which speeds up this process and provides
you with some quick profits.
You can grow your BAP by advertising
from PaidVerts, by going to your account>Buy Ads. PaidVerts is hybrid
paid to click plus advertising program, so you can advertise your
website, referral link or affiliate link. By buying adverting from you
will not only get visits to you site or affiliate link but your BAP will
also grow at the same time. Excited to know how?
For Each Dollar Spent On Adverting You will Receive;
• 3100 BAP (Bonus Ad Points}
• 50 visits to your website or affiliate link
• 50 (125×125) banner impressions
• 50 (728×90) banner impressions
• 50 visits to your website or affiliate link
• 50 (125×125) banner impressions
• 50 (728×90) banner impressions
So, for every $1 spent you receive 3100 BAP which equals $1.55 (55% pure profit again and again).
BAP Groups/Tiers
The PaidVerts users are divided into
groups/tiers based upon their BAP value. Different amount and value ads
will be served to you depending upon the value of your BAP. For example
if you have 500 BAP, you will fall in Group 01.
The details of Groups are
Group 01: from 100 to 1599 BAP.
Group 02: from 1600 to 12000 BAP.
Group 03: from 12000 to 24000 BAP.
Group 04: from 24k to 48k BAP.
Group 05: from 48k to 96k BAP.
Group 06: from 96k to 180k BAP.
Group 07: from 180k to 360k BAP.
Group 08: from 360k to 720k BAP.
Group 09: from 720k to 1.5m BAP.
Group 10: from 1.5m to 3m BAP.
Group 11: from 3m to 6m BAP.
Group 12: 6m to 20m BAP.
Group 13: 20m BAP and up.
Group 02: from 1600 to 12000 BAP.
Group 03: from 12000 to 24000 BAP.
Group 04: from 24k to 48k BAP.
Group 05: from 48k to 96k BAP.
Group 06: from 96k to 180k BAP.
Group 07: from 180k to 360k BAP.
Group 08: from 360k to 720k BAP.
Group 09: from 720k to 1.5m BAP.
Group 10: from 1.5m to 3m BAP.
Group 11: from 3m to 6m BAP.
Group 12: 6m to 20m BAP.
Group 13: 20m BAP and up.
Why to know this?
It is important to stay in higher group
to receive higher value ads to click in the view ad section. To enter
in a specific group, just divide the lower limit of group by 3100, for
example to enter in group 04, you will need to spend $7.74
(24000/3100=7.74). You will burn you BAP @ 2000 BAP for $1 to receive
paid ads to view. Click all the available ads and reinvest some part of
your earnings in advertising to stay in the group. The rest amount will
be you profit which you can cash-out at any time you want.
PaidVerts As Referral Tool
The most import benefit of PaidVerts,
actually a huge bonus of this wonderful program is that you will be
getting direct referral by adverting your referral link to thousand of
PaidVerts members while making money at the same time.